Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Five Cornerstones of Jamaican Lottery Scams

The key to understanding the tactics of Jamaican lottery scammers and the behavior of victims, is understanding the five fundamentals upon which these crimes are based. I call these fundamentals The Five Cornerstones, and they they are confidence, greed, speed, anonymity and secrecy.

My first impulse was to call this cornerstone trust, but I chose confidence instead, because to gain a mark's trust the crooks must project confidence to get it in return. Hence the terms confidence game and con artist. What is more, once trust is established victims often share confidences - personal information they would not otherwise disclose - that the criminals can use to their advantage. This was certainly true in my father's case, as his Svengali knew all about the conservatorship and the safeguards I had put in place to protect my parents' remaining assets.

The fraudsters are out to get as much as they can, and if given the chance will exhaust every possible source of value they can extract from victims including their identities. I use the word value because while they mainly want cash, the scammers will sometimes ask victims to buy and ship them cell phones, tablets, or laptops for them to sell on the black market or use to perpetrate more crimes. My dad sent all of these things to the crooks, and even allowed them to go online and purchase over $1000 worth of warm weather gear from American Eagle Outfitters using the debit card to which his Social Security payments were being diverted (see this post for details).

Like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the criminals want what they want and they want it NOW. Unlike the spoiled little girl, their impatience is calculated because they know that unless they can instill a sense of urgency in their targets, the less likely those targets are to pay the their bogus fees. The scammers are also in a hurry because they don't want to give targets who comply time to change their mind. And if by chance they change their mind after sending a payment, it will likely be in vain because thanks to the money transfer services (and increasingly pre-loaded debit cards) the funds travel at internet speed and directly into the gangsters' grubby hands. 

Besides speed, the money transfer services and prepaid debit cards make (or at least used to make) it ridiculously easy for money to change hands anonymously, as long as the sum is below a certain amount. At the peak of my father's involvement it was not only possible for the crooks to receive funds without showing ID, but possible for victims to send money without ID. As a result my dad was able to evade blocks on his money transfers by using  fake names and addresses, including the name and address of a deceased friend, a fellow Navy veteran who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor.

In addition to all of the above, the scammers want to operate freely, without interference from concerned family members or friends. They thus try to keep victims quiet, and to accomplish this they often pose as authority figures (sweepstakes officials or law enforcement agents) and order victims not to tell anybody about their payments or winnings.

For those wondering why fear is not one of the cornerstones: While it is true that the fraudsters sometimes threaten people who refuse to pay or stop paying, fear does not qualify as a cornerstone, for two reasons.

The first reason is that threats are a tactic of last resort because they violate the the first cornerstone, confidence. After all: Who trusts someone who threatens them? Sadly and ironically, some victims capitulate because they are confident the crooks will make good on their hollow threats.

The other reason fear is not a cornerstone, is that once a threat is made, the crime is no longer a scam: It is extortion.

Now that you have been introduced to the Five Cornerstones, in my next post I will cover ten characteristics senior citizens may possess, that make them prime targets for crimes based on them. To those of you still struggling to protect a loved one from one of these scams, my heart goes out to you and by way of this blog, my thoughts. Keep fighting, and I will do my best to do likewise even though my father is no longer with us.


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